This is Lazaro Mbauda Masambura aged 16 yrs old from Kibaya district, (see the picture before and after above). We first saw him in our outreach with lower limbs disability. We took him to Selian Lutheran Hospital and seen by an orthopaedic doctor before he is confirmed for surgery.
All other lab investigations were taken and the boy was scheduled for the first surgery and it has been done successfully on March 2021 and discharged to Zilper’s centre for close medical monitoring. The boy stayed at the centre until the second operation is performed.
The second operation was conducted in June 2021 and went smoothly as planned. Consequently, all surgeries went well and the boy is now physically fit and it’s our pleasure as Zilper foundation to have a boy’s life totally changed and moving on with his daily activities.
We as Zilper foundation expresses our sincere gratitude to all especially James Buy Sell who in one way or another helped Lazaro’s life to this juncture.
We thank Almighty God for his grace